2023 Legislative Session

2023 Legislative Session - Key things to know


LCF's Legislative Priorities for 2023


HB 1095 | SB 5109 - Creating a wage replacement program for certain Washington workers excluded from unemployment insurance.

Undocumented workers have been categorically denied access to unemployment insurance, a vital social safety net for all communities, despite contributing to Washington’s unemployment benefits for decades. There are many folks that are undocumented that have been contributing to this system for decades, not just a couple of years, decades. How is it fair for someone to contribute to a system and not be able to receive some of the benefits they pay into. This bill would change that. It would create a state unemployment benefits program for those who apply and get rejected from the federal unemployment program. 

SB 5082 - Removing Advisory Votes from the Ballot

Advisory Votes are non-binding votes. They confuse voters, which may deter them from voting overall. Many voters feel like their votes don’t truly have an impact when they find out that these votes are non-binding. The advisory votes are the very first thing people see on their ballots. It is time to remove the advisory vote from our ballots. 


Ranked Choice Voting for 2024 Primary

Ranked Choice voting has been implemented for Seattle Local elections, and elections in other cities as well. This will be an opportunity for WA voters to try out ranked choice voting, only for the presidential election for the primaries in 2024. 

An Act to Reduce Plastic Waste  HB 1085

 Plastics are an environmental problem. There are significant greenhouse gas emissions associated with every step of the plastics production process. Animals ingest microplastics and get entangled in larger pieces, and plastic foam and other plastic trash is on every shoreline. In many cases, less-polluting and more sustainable alternatives are available.This bill will: Require refill water stations in newly built constructions to help the transition to reusable water bottles; phasing out mini personal care packaging to help eliminate plastic unnecessary hard to recycle plastic waste; banning foam docks and floats to reduce major source of plastic pollution in lakes and marine waters


WRAP Act HB 1131 / SB 5154

PRODUCER-LED RECYCLING SYSTEM: Requires producers of consumer packaging and paper to pay for recycling services in WA. INCREASES TRANSPARENCY AND RECYCLING: Establishes recycling and reuse targets for producers and sets transparency requirements for responsible recycling. EXPANDS RECYCLING SERVICES: Expands recycling collection services to all households that have curbside garbage collection services. CREATES UNIFORM STATEWIDE LIST OF RECYCLABLES: Creates a standardized list of what can be recycled statewide. CREATES BEVERAGE CONTAINER RETURN SYSTEM: Creates a beverage deposit system so consumers can redeem their bottles and cans for 10 cents.


Build the Future We Need

Ensure all state funds live up to the Healthy Environment for All (HEAL) Act goal of directing that 40 percent of environment-related funds create environmental benefits to vulnerable populations and overburdened communities, and prevent harm. This includes all state funds derived from carbon pricing, operating and transportation, capital funds, and all federal funds, also subject to the Justice40 White House environmental justice initiative.


Specific community priorities for climate investments include:

  • Community Climate and Environmental Planning: Participatory planning and budgeting that helps communities get their priorities funded (includes HEAL)
  • Frequent, Accessible Public Transportation: Building on the Washington Transit Access Map and the WSDOT Following up on Frequent Transit Service Study to fund frequent, accessible transit statewide
  • Climate Resiliency: Supporting workers and communities most impacted by the climate crisis
  • Energy Justice: Preventing disconnections and supporting affordable, renewable energy and weatherization
  • Green Infrastructure and Food Systems: Investing in the people and the ecosystems that feed and protect us

Free College in Washington State 

A cost-free CTC system will have a strong positive effect on the state’s economy, and it quickly pays for itself (https://1gyhoq479ufd3yna29x7ubjn-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/CEW-The-Cost-of-Free-College-FR.pdf). There is public support for making this important investment. Free community college is wildly popular with 78 percent of the public supporting it strongly or somewhat. It also has overwhelming support across party lines. 


Closes the racial  wealth gap 


Introducing Programs like Fresh Bucks to the Rest of the State

LCF participates in the popular program Fresh Bucks that is only available in Seattle City Limits. Many residents outside of city limits  hope to receive the help but are unable to. A state-wide program should be supported to ensure that all communities have access to healthy groceries. 

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  • Lilliane Ballesteros
    published this page in Recursos/Resources 2023-02-06 11:29:16 -0800
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