Cada año, Latino Community Fund y Progreso reúnen a nuestras comunidades Latinxs/Latines para abogar en los asuntos que más nos importan durante la sesión legislativa. Es importante para nosotros mostrar a nuestros representantes que venimos como un colectivo para proteger nuestro poder político a través del estado.
Únase a Latino Community Fund y Progreso en nuestra semana de acción el 29 de Enero al 2 de Febrero 2024. Por favor llena esta forma para recibir el enlace de Zoom y las fechas/horas para las juntas con los legisladores y juntas con nosotros para entrenamientos!
Every year, Latino Community Fund and Progreso bring our Latinx/Latine communities together to advocate on the issues that matter to us the most during the legislative session. It's important for us to show our representatives that we come as a collective to protect our political power across the state.
Every year, Latino Community Fund and Progreso bring our Latinx/Latine communities together to advocate on the issues that matter to us the most during the legislative session. It's important for us to show our representatives that we come as a collective to protect our political power across the state.

Join Latino Community Fund and Progreso at our Legislative Action Week this January 29th to February 2nd 2024. Fill out this form to receive the Zoom links and call times for meetings with legislators and quick huddles with our team to get you prepped!

Latino Community Fund builds power with our community through civic engagement.
- Register voters
- Lead Get out the Vote efforts statewide
- Advocate at our Youth Lobby Day
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