2024 Legislative Priorities
Latino Community Fund works to improve the quality of life for all Washingtonians. Through coalitions and support from the community, LCF & Progreso support bills that empower communities that have historically held limited to no political power. Our organizations believe that all communities deserve access to quality health, education, and public services.
Economic Mobility & Educational Empowerment
Undocumented workers have been categorically denied access to unemployment insurance, a vital social safety net for all communities, despite contributing to Washington’s unemployment benefits for decades. This bill would create a state unemployment benefits program for those who apply and get rejected from the federal unemployment program.
HB 1889 - Lift Undue Barriers on Immigrants Seeking Professional Licensure
Immigration status should not be a barrier for opportunity in our society. This bill provides eligibility for certain professional and commercial licenses, certifications, permits, and registrations for multiple professions for persons not lawfully present in the United States.
HB 1866 - Support the Academic Needs of Seasonal Farmworkers’ Children
By directing the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) to study the academic and other support service needs, we can more equitably ensure every student in Washington receives the quality, full-spectrum education they deserve.
Environmental Justice
HB 2049 - Improve Our Recycling Services in WA
Our communities have been harmed by various pollutants, including plastic waste pollution. This bill will incentivize producers to use reusable, recyclable, and compostable packaging. It will expand recycling services across the state and reduce contamination by developing a common list of what can be recycled statewide.
Progressive Revenue
HB 1473 | SB 5486 - Ensure the Ultra Wealthy Pay their Fair Share
It’s time to update our tax code to match the economic world we have in 2024, not 1934 when our tax code was last seriously changed. The wealth tax closes a major loophole in our tax system. Unlike our homes which are taxed every year, these stocks, bonds, and other financial intangible property are currently untaxed by Washington’s revenue system. Only those fortunate enough to have over $250 million in financial wealth and assets would ever pay the wealth tax.
HB 2276 - Balance Our Upside Down Tax Code Through the Real Estate Excise Tax (REET)
By increasing the real estate excise tax (REET) on properties sold over $3 million (and reducing it on all other properties under $750,000), we will fund the Housing Trust Fund, supportive housing, including for farm workers, and Apple Health and Homes Account.
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