Alianza Youth Summit 2020: Lonnie Renteria

Lonnie Tristan Renteria is both a therapist and educator. His education and experience cover a broad range of subjects that inform his practice, from cultural theory, literature, narrative theory, positive and forensic psychology. Continue reading

Alianza Youth Summit 2020: Intersectionality and Action

We will discuss what Intersectionality means, who it was coined by, and explain how our identities impacts/affects us in society. This will help to recognize privilege and disadvantage to certain groups. (For example, Communities of color, women, and low-income experience more violence among themselves.) At the end of this activity we will get to talk about privilege and barriers we face that intersects with society. Continue reading

Alianza Youth Summit 2020: Dra. Verónica Vélez

In this interactive talk, Dr. Verónica Vélez shares lessons learned from over 15 years of grassroots organizing with Latina im/migrant families in California campaigning for comprehensive immigration reform and educational change in local public schools. Through popular education, these families produced skills, knowledges, and networks to create a public platform for movement-building despite continued efforts by the state to keep them out. Dr. Vélez will share insights from this work as it applies to youth-led organizing and discuss why these strategies matter for tackling the most pressing issues affecting the Latinx community in Washington state. Continue reading

Alianza Youth Summit 2020: You and Politics

Ever wondered how a bill is created on a federal level? Why are there so many representatives in the house? Or had been told voting is important but you're not sure why? This workshop will learn the importance of government 101. This will include the basics of how government works from the three branches (legislative, executive, and judicial) to how a bill is created and ends up on the President's desk. In addition, this workshop will explain the importance of how activists can hold our representatives accountable through writing letters, calling and more! Continue reading

Alianza Youth Summit 2020: La Roxay

In “De aqui, pero tambien de aqui y aqui”, workshop participants will be introduced to the term “intersectionality.” Workshop attendees will learn about intersectionality as a theory, its herstory, how this word shows up in Latinx Communities, and how this word, in action and understanding, can support our collective analysis as we continue to build movements and fight for liberation. The term “Intersectionality” was coined in 1989 by Professor Kimberlé Crenshaw. Dr. Crenshaw is a Black Feminist, Lawyer, Civil Rights Attorney, and a lead scholar in critical race theory. Continue reading

Alianza Youth Summit 2020: Intersectionality and Action

We will discuss what Intersectionality means, who it was coined by, and explain how our identities impacts/affects us in society. This will help to recognize privilege and disadvantage to certain groups. (For example, Communities of color, women, and low-income experience more violence among themselves.) At the end of this activity we will get to talk about privilege and barriers we face that intersects with society. Continue reading

Alianza Youth Summit 2020: Leadership Panel

Join us as we hold a panel of innovative, resilient leaders from across WA state as we discuss with them what it looks like to be a BIPOC organizer/advocate in WA! Continue reading

2020 Youth Summit Keynote Speaker: Yosimar Reyes

Yosimar Reyes is a nationally acclaimed poet. Born in Guerrero, Mexico, and raised in East Side San Jose, Reyes explores the themes of migration and sexuality in his work. Join us as he guides us through his story, learning about the importance of storytelling and the stories we carry and can also come to share. Continue reading

Alianza Youth Summit 2020: Alianza 101

Join us to learn more about the Alianza’s story, from how it came to be, what it has become, and what we hope to be in the future! You’ll have the opportunity to hear from Alianza fellows and steering committee members about ways you can get involved from where you are in Washington! Continue reading
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